Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Removing the Republican Party off of Life Support

Dear RIght Wing Crackpots

I supported you for years, I have always enjoyed the idea of a lean government with an appreciation for personal freedoms. When the Tea Party came around, I believed in the message, I believed in Americans taking the governmental focus away from lobbyists and big money and making it about the citizens again. It wasn't long before that movement and the political party got over run by extremists that are the likes of the American Taliban. Strict adherence to a historical story supported entirely by faith and it's related literature (the Bible), desire to control a women's reproductive choices, the fear mongering and vitriol directed at those who disagree with them that is just one step shy of inciting physical violence. And most importantly their extremists views have either forced good Republicans out of office, or made those in office share their views in the public eye in order to keep their jobs. 

For the last and final time. Your god is not real, evolution is real, so stop shoving your non-existent puppet master up my ass every time I read about the 2012 election. Abortion is none of the governments business, and if two dudes want to be in a relationship and receive the same tax benefits as a married couple, who gives a shit? I don't see how restricting any of these things increases freedom, but I do see how it mandates people live the Christian lifestyle that you so boldly want to force on all of us. 

Right now the extremists would call me a filthy socialist anti-American terrorist. But let me lay this out really clearly for all of you, because quite frankly I don't care what you think. Here are my opinions, you decide where I fall in your mind, because the titles of this two party system have led to nothing but a wide divide in this government that has managed to accomplish nothing. 

Gun control: Against it, restricting liberty has not shown to reduce crime. Data has shown it for years, end of discussion. 

Abortion: I am not pro-choice, I am straight up pro-abortion. Too many kids are born to mothers who are unwilling or unable to raise them. They then become a burden on the taxpayers. Allow easy and legal access to abortion without the mandated "guilt ultrasounds". See that respects freedoms, and is fiscally responsible, suck on that Paul Ryan. 

Gay Marriage: If I hear the word abomination one more time my head may explode. For the last time, get your superstition out of my government. All your strict adherence to the bible tells me is that you are too stupid, scared, or lazy to make decisions based on your world experiences. Besides the references to homosexuality in the Bible are questionable at best. And this is operating under the premise that the stories in the Bible are real to begin with.  A friend of mine who is a devout Christian said that he personally does not agree with gay marriage, but he does realize that his church isn't the government, and not everyone shares his views. This is the most enlightened approach to this subject I have heard so far. For crying out loud, let gays get married, their homes will probably look better than ours anyway. 

Immigration: The system is broken, however illegal is illegal. Amnesty is a bad idea, I do not believe in rewarding those who break the law. Do I have the solution? Nope, and I don't claim to. But I am at least willing to talk about it without breaking the debate down into partisan name calling. 

Drug laws: I am in support of the regulation of most controlled substances. I have first hand witnessed the effects of these substances, and they do destroy people. And lets face it, most drug users never get caught, so I can reasonable say that it is the drug itself, not the fallout from the legal system that deregulation would prevent. 

The Economy: Hell if I know, but all I know is we seemed to be doing fine when the commercial and investment banks were split. A piece of legislation that went into effect as a protection after the Great Depression. It seems as if the American public never learns. 

The Death Penalty: Firing squads are much less expensive.

National Defense: We spend a ton of money on it. But we got leveraged into that position by the rest of the world. We have somehow assumed the default role of "World Police" while other countries "support" us by sending a case of ammunition and a few soldiers. However I do believe in solidly wiping any country off the map when they become an active aggressor towards us. However not in this new sensitive post-Vietnam war style, in the "George Washington crossing the Delaware river at night on Christmas and kill you in your sleep style". 

Healthcare: There is a problem with healthcare this country. I am not sure the new laws are the way to fix it, as a matter of fact, I am pretty sure they are not. I do however think that some regulation needs to exist in areas where it hasn’t in the past. Lets look as the drug companies and the frivolous lawsuits. The other crisis is too many people receive healthcare. There is no reason the tax payers should be providing life extending treatment to chronic drug addicts and people unwilling to take interest in their own care. If your not interested in managing your life, than I am not either. That being said, there is a segment who need care and can not afford it. Again, I do not claim to have the answers, but I am willing to discuss it. Which is more that you can say about the asshats we keep employed making these legislative decisions. 

I am going to commit the absolute worst sin a Republican can commit. I am changing my political party on my voter registration. I have dabbled in Libertarian, and Independent, but thats not a strong enough message. I believe the Republican party is dying, it is a matter of time before the cancer of religious extremism does them in. And I want to do everything in my power to speed up that process. Think of it as a political mercy killing. The sensible conservative party has become demented, very expensive to keep alive, a huge burden to it's family members, and is shitting it's bed every night about the time the nightly news comes on. It is time to remove it from the ventilator, and maybe hold a pillow over it's face if needed. Although I do not support President Obama and many of the decisions he has made, I don't support the Republicans about as much. I am therefore changing my party to Democratic. 

Don't cry, when things get better I will come back. But I am trying to send a message by shrinking the numbers as much as I can. You can't turn around without hearing how much your vote matters. That may or may not be total bullshit. But I can imagine that the number of registered voters surely matters to a political party in an election year. 

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